Thread subject: pHpFusion Nederlands (BE|NL) » Ondersteuning, Themas, Infusies, Modificaties en Installatie :: Autonews Infusion

Posted by afoster on 02 maart 2019, 20:53


douwe_yntema schreef:

I Got your infusion working and sending mail.

In file autonews_include.php line 393 must be changed to:


$rtn = dbrows($result);

Furthermore to send mail, it is file autonews_cronjob.php that says:

// To activate this file, set $locale['AN042'] to TRUE and insert a password below
// Use '' from cronjob

But, $locale['AN042'] does not exist. You need to change in file autonews_param.php, line 30 to:

$autonews_params['cronjob'] = TRUE;    // TRUE if cronjob is used - FALSE otherwise

and enter a password in file autonews_cronjob.php in line 24.

Then call the cronjob as state as:

where the password is from autonews_cronjob.php line 24.

of course you need to set up PHP-Fusion correctly for sending mail.

There are some warnings about shoutbox, I infused the shoutbox, but not set it up. Don't know if this need to be digged out deeper.

Thanks for your response again douwe_yntema. I was never running a cron job on my other sites, but if that is what it takes to make this work with this version of autonews, then I will do so. I will follow your suggestions and get back to you.